The West Athletic Boosters Board is made up of an Executive Committee and Liaisons (aka Team Reps) that represent each sport. The board is responsible for fund raising and distribution of approved funds for purchasing sport uniforms and equipment as requested. The Board meets every other month throughout the school year.
Each sport has a Liaison who represents their sport. Liaisons are normally parents of current players and act as a parent representative for the sport. Liaisons sit on the West Athletic Boosters Board so that each sport has a voice in the affairs of West Athletic Boosters. Interested in becoming a Sport Liaison? Send an email to info@westathleticboosters.org
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (scroll down page to see 2023-2024 members)
The Executive Committee (EC) includes the elected officers (President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary) and the chairs of the standing committees (Concessions, Marketing-Special Events, Marketing-Website, Liaison Coordinator and Fundraising). The EC is responsible for day to day management of West Athletic Boosters operations and approving funding requests that are sent to the Full Board for vote. The EC meets monthly. Interested in joining the West Athletic Boosters Executive Committee? Send an email to info@westathleticboosters.org
West Athletic Boosters membership and fiscal year runs from July 1st through June 30th.