Madison West High School fields Girl's Volleyball teams at the Varsity, Junior Varsity, and Freshman levels. All teams compete in the Big Eight conference. Open tryouts begin in mid-August (per WIAA rules) and the season runs from late August through late October. Home games are played at Madison West's Steven's gym.
Tryout FAQs
Any t-shirts that should be avoided, ie club team?
Yes, no club apparel will be permitted during the 2 tryout days (t-shirts, backpacks, socks, etc). This is to ensure unbiased evaluation of athletes.
Will players be able to do club and high school if the seasons overlap?
The expectation is that anyone on the team is prioritizing West volleyball. We will not have weekend tournaments so it may be possible to play both but if there are conflicts, West will need to come first. Feel free to email and discuss this more with Coach Ben if you have concerns.
What will the tryouts be like?
Two separate groups. Times are TBD for each group.
Group 1. Freshman*
Group 2. Upperclassmen
-Freshman can be invited to the upperclass tryouts on day two if there is potential to join JV/Varsity.
-Expect to have warm-ups, some drills, and some scrimmaging
-Try outs can be nerve wracking, but try your best and be proud that you’ve put yourself out there. We want to see skill, effort, someone who has a good attitude, and is a good teammate.
-There is a ton of advice on YouTube- here is one!
If a freshman goes to the freshman tryouts can they still make varsity or JV?
Yes. If there's someone that we think is more advanced, we would ask them to come to the upperclass time slots to try out.
How many students make the teams? Will there be cuts?
It depends on the team and the players. Each team generally takes 12-15 players. [Freshman teams, in past years, have had 13-14 athletes]
There could be cuts for JV and Varsity depending on the number of athletes who are at tryouts. We may have cut Freshman due to limited staff, resources, and gym space.
Head Coach Danyelle Olson
TBA - JV Coach
TBA - Freshman Coach
TBA - Freshman Coach
Casey Kimmel
To get added to the team’s contact list, please email Natalie Loranger in the West Athletics Office (